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    Obstructive jaundice animal model

    Column:digestive system Time:2024-04-15
    Obstructive jaundice, also known as surgical jaundice, is a common pathological condition in clinical practice. It is mainly caused by partial or...

    Obstructive jaundice, also known as surgical jaundice, is a common pathological condition in clinical practice. It is mainly caused by partial or complete mechanical obstruction of the extrahepatic or intrahepatic bile ducts, which hinders the process of bile drainage from the bile ducts into the intestine, leading to bile stasis and the reflux of ester bilirubin into the bloodstream. Due to the inability of bile and its many components to flow into the intestine (especially in cases of complete obstruction), it leads to increased bile duct pressure, changes in liver blood flow, and a series of changes in biochemistry, immune function, and other organ functions, which seriously affect the normal function of the body. Establishing a stable animal model of obstructive jaundice has become the basis for studying various types of obstructive jaundice.

    Observation indicators

    Animal appearance observation, biochemical indicators TBIL TBA、ALT、AST、ALP, Liver pathological examination, etc.

    Partial Results Display